Discovery Box

A magazine full of discoveries !
De 9 à 13 ans

Help kids understand the world they live in! DiscoveryBox explore l'histoire, les sciences et la nature à travers des reportages photos incroyables, des BD, des documents illustrés et des expériences scientifiques. Ce magazine est en anglais.

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8,10 / mois
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Quel est le 1er numéro de mon abonnement si je commande aujourd’hui ?

En commandant aujourd’hui, je reçois, sous 15 jours*, le numéro de mars

* Pour les abonnements expédiés en France métropolitaine uniquement.

Chargement de l'offre...
Chargement de l'offre...

Ce qu'il y a à découvrir dans le magazine


Each issue includes:

  • Animal topics which are presented through spectacular photos and informative facts.
  • Important historical events which are retold in a lively and accessible way.
  • Science articles, including fun experiments with clear explanations.
  • Captivating articles about the world which explore other countries, cultures, and lifestyles.
  • Picture stories which are used to bring events to life and make them more tangible to young readers.
  • Experiments and investigations, whereby children are invited to share their results with other readers.
  • Do it yourself activities linked to the topics of the month, comic-strips, games, quizzes, competitions, and lots more!


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